Siomay Bandung


Siska cooked this for a gathering event in Cyberjaya for 8 people.

Siomay Bandung - catering for 8 pax

Siomay Bandung - for 1 pax









Siomay Bandung
(Bahasa Indonesia)


[A] 200 gr ikan tenggiri tanpa tulang, tanpa kulit 200 gram of boneless and skinless Spanish Mackerel
[A] 75 gr labu siam parut 75 gram of Chayote
[A] 1.5 sdm minyak wijen 1.5 tbs of sesame oil
[A] 1.5 sdt garam 1.5 tsp of salt
[A] 1.5 sdt gula 1.5 tsp of sugar
[A] 3 bawang merah 3 shallot
[A] 3 bawang putih 3 garlic
[A] 1 telur 1 egg
[B]  125 gr sagu/tapioka 125 gram of sago flour/tapioca
[C] 1 daun bawang cincang 1 chopped scallions

Blender [A], then adds [B] little by little until become the paste, add [C] and steam them. You can combine the siomay with potato, bean curd, cabbage, boiled egg, etc.

This time, Siska did not use the chayote (labu siam). And for the combination she used potato, bean curd, cabbage, and boiled egg.  For a party of 8 she made 4 receipe above.

Siomay Bandung - The Paste

Siomay Tahu (Siomay with Beancurd) - before steamed

Siomay Kentang (Siomay with Potato) - before steamed


Ayam Bumbu Rujak (Chicken with Indonesian Spices and Coconut Milk)


Siska cooked this for a Indonesian gathering event for 8 people.




  Bahasa Indonesia English
[A] 1 Ayam Kampung 1 free range chicken
[B] 10 siung Bawang Merah 10 cloves of Shallot
[B] 4 siung Bawang Putih 4 cloves of Garlic
[B] 3cm Lengkuas: dikupas 3cm of Galangal rhizome
[B] 2cm Jahe: dikupas 2cm of Ginger rhizome
[B] ½ ruas Kunyit: dikupas ½ segment of Turmeric rhizome
[B] 6 buah Kemiri 6 pcs of Candlenut
[B] ½ sdt Ketumbar bubuk ½ tsp of Coriander powder
[B] 10 Cabai merah  10 pcs of Red Chili
[B] 4 Cabai rawit  4 pcs of Cabai Rawit
[B] & [C] 2 Daun salam: disobek-sobek(sebagian di B sebagian di C) 2 sheets of Indonesian Bay Leaf(half as B, half as C)
[B] & [C] 5 Daun jeruk purut: disobek-sobek(sebagian di B sebagian di C) 5 Kaffir Lime leaf(half as B, half as C)
[C] 2 Sereh: digeprek 2 pcs of Lemongrass
[D] 200cc Santan (kental) 200cc of thick Coconut milk
[E] ½ sdt Asam jawa – dilarutkan dalam air ½ tsp of Tamarind paste – diluted in water
[E] Garam Salt
[E] 2sdm Gula Merah 2tbs of Palm Sugar
[E] ½ sdt Terasi ½ tsp of Shrimp Paste


Bahasa Indonesia

  1. Campur bumbu-bumbu [B] dengan blender
  2. Tumis bumbu diatas tambahkan [C]
  3. Masukkan ayam dengan +/- 1L air dan santan [D], aduk-aduk
  4. Masak di api kecil 1-2 jam sampai ayam empuk dan kuah kental. Tambahkan air bila kurang.
  5. Masukkan bumbu [E] secukupnya


  1. Blend the spices [B]
  2. Stir fry the spices above and add [C] until it releases its fragrant
  3. Put in the chicken and +/- 1L of water and coconut milk [D], then stir
  4. Simmer for 1-2 hours until the chicken soft. Add water as necessary.
  5. Put in spices [E]

Free Range Chicken

Indonesian bay leaves, Kaffir lime leaves, Red Chilli, and Lemongrass

1. Blend the spices

Step4. Simmering

Nasi Tumpeng

 Nasi Tumpeng for Birthday (Indonesian Yellow Rice for Birthday)


Tumpeng is a cone-shaped rice dish like mountain with its side dishes (vegetables and meat).[1] Traditionally featured in the slamatan ceremony, the cone shape of rice is made by using cone-shaped weaved bamboo container. The rice itself could be plain steam rice, uduk rice (cooked with coconut milk), or yellow rice (uduk rice colored with kunyit (turmeric)).

The cone shaped rice erected on tampah (rounded woven bamboo container) covered with banana leaf, and surrounded by assorted of Indonesian dishes.

Nasi Tumpeng with Candles

This time we adjusted the Tumpeng into “birthday cake”-shape with candles.  

 The dishes served with the Tumpeng this time are:

  1. Urap (Indonesian Salad)
    Urap (sometimes spelled urab or in its plural form urap-urap) is cooked vegetables salad dish mixed with seasoned and spiced grated coconut for dressing.
  2. Ayam Bumbu Rujak (Indonesian Mixed Spicy Chicken)
  3. Ikan Tenggiri Panggang masak Cabai (Grilled Tenggiri Fish with Chillies)
  4. Perkedel Jagung (Indonesian Corn Fritter)
Urap (Indonesian Salad)

Urap (Indonesian Salad)

Ayam Bumbu Rujak
(Indonesian Mixed Spicy Chicken)

Ikan Tenggiri Panggang masak Cabai
(Grilled Tenggiri Fish with Chillies)

Perkedel Jagung
(Indonesian Corn Fritter)